Order Confirmation
As soon as you place the order, an order confirmation will be emailed to you. This means we have received your order and payment.
As soon as we receive your order, we automatically reach out to our warehouse to confirm the product is in stock and is available for immediate shipment. In rare cases, if the product is on backorder or unavailable, we will contact you immediately and ask if you would like to wait for the product to become available or have your payment refunded. If the item is available for immediate shipment (1-3 business days) we will submit the order for processing and arrange shipment.
If the item title says "pre-order", your order is a preorder. Preorders typically ship 2 weeks after your order or based on the ETA we provide.
Germany: Ship from Germany warehouse with 220V/EU Plug, free shipping, no customs.
Ireland: Ship from Germany warehouse with EU plug, please pay attention.
Europe: Ship from Germany warehouse with EU plug.
For countries like Norway and Switzerland, we can’t ship big grow tents (the size is larger than 150cmx150cm) and SF4000 Full grow tent kits.
NOTE: Island and remote address
A, The zip code is in a remote region for some countries, and the carrier will charge an additional remote shipping fee. So sometimes you might get an email from us for the additional fee.
B, For the Island, we can only ship from China, the buyer needs to pay an extra shipping fee and bear the customs clearance fee.
About Shipment
1, We offer Fast shipping via DHL, GLS, DPD, or other couriers within 24 hours after we get your order(Business days).
2, After processing the order, allow 4 to 7 business days for the product(s) to reach you.
3, Please contact us to check if your tracking number hasn't been updated in 3 days.
4, The following countries need to ship from China, the buyer needs to bear the customs clearance. Please pay attention.
Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, Vatican City, San Marino
If your country can't place the order, feel free to contact us at: [email protected]
Grandhaye –
Déjà une garantie de 5 ans pour dire qu’ ils sont sur de leurs matos.
Waou ca marche
Je voulais changer mon matos et en 30ans j en ais vue. placard tente hps 400W et 600w ect…
Mais je suis tomber sur les produits spider Farmer waou waou je ne regrette pas du tout mon achat
Sven –
Strong lamp, great price!
Die Tomate –
In Keller hab ich 4 Zelte für meine Tropenpflanzen. Kokosnusspalme, Mango, Banane, Avocado, Passionsfrucht, Sonnentau, Kaffee, uvm. Im Frühjahr kommen Sie in den Wintergarten und wenns warm genug ist ins Freie.
Sobald sie die Box verlassen beginn ich mit dem Vorziehen für meinen Gemüsegarten.
Vor 2 Jahren legte ich mir eine Led Pflanzenlampe (Niello 1000W) zu.
Doch war ich mit der Leistung der Lampe nicht zufrieden. Der Wachstum ging nicht so schnell voran. Im Winter kam es dann fast zum Stillstand trotz tropischer Raumverhältnisse.
Die Spider Farmer SF 4000 legte ich mir heuer im Frühjahr zu. Die Montage wieder Easy wie immer. Einschalten, boom, Sonne im Keller. Das Licht ist sehr hell (arbeite nur mit Sonnenbrille). Nun zum Aufziehen ich habe 2 verschiedenen Lampenarten. Beim Gemüsevorziehen merkte ich die erste massiven Unterschiede. Nach der Keimung endwickelten sich die Pflanzen doppelt so schnell under der Farmer.
nach 3 Wochen war die Pflanzenhöhe 2x so hoch wie mit der Niello Lampe.
Mit Erdbeeren versuchte ich die Fruchtbildung zu beobachten, auch hier doppeltes Ergebnis. Ich bin vorerst sehr zufrieden. Ob die Lampe die Richtige ist für meinen Urwald kann ich noch nicht sagen. Meine Kokosnusspalme steht momentan darunter, der gehts gut macht heuer schon das 2. Blattwedel, schönes Grün.
Also Sf4000 für Gemüseanzucht auf jeden Fall zum empfehlen,
auch den tropischen Pflanzen gefällts darunter sehr gut aber dazu möchte ich mich erst nach einem Jahr äussern.
Pierre –
Meine Blumen wachsen sehr gut top Teil
Llego en el tiempo indicado y de momento esta funcionando de maravilla!!😉
Darko –
it is very good product I order also sf 2000 and sf4000 all recommendation 🙂
Alexander Leppert (verified owner) –
This is a very very good growing lamp. I dont think u can do something wrong if u can afford it. For the perfect setup u should add another 1000 for flower, but its doing sooo well without. I mean im halfway through flower and it looks better than any grow before. Gonna stick with Spiderfarmer products from now on! Just solid!
rgdmanu (verified owner) –
Excellente Led Horticole, on vois bien que les plantes sont en meilleure santé sous led, le panneau est robuste est puissant ( perso je suis dans une 90xx90x1,80 est je ne la met jamais au maximum! Nullement besoins.) pleinement satisfait de cette achat, maintenant à voir sur la duré.
Diego Garrido Gutiérrez (verified owner) –
Ojalá pudiera subir fotos, inmejorable. Calidad precio de lo mejor que he visto
Pierre S. (verified owner) –
Die Lampe tut was sie soll sie gibt im Durchschnitt etwa 2 bis 3 C° zusätzlich ab
niclas förhecz (verified owner) –
Good stuff
AndreasG. (verified owner) –
Top! 5*,.
Super Kundenservice, Super schnelle Lieferung (3Tage), Tolles Produkt, Super Verarbeitet, krass helles Licht! Ich denke meinen Pflanzen wird Sie gefallen, Ich bin zu 100% zufrieden! wenn ich demnächst noch eine Grow LED brauche werd ich wieder hier bei Spiderfarmer eu Bestellen!!! Kann ich uneingeschränkt empfehlen!! Danke Spiderfarmer´s! IHr habt einen Neuen und zufriedenen Kunden dazugewonnen! Immer wieder gerne!!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Gheorghe Pop (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Jens (verified owner) –
Still not in use but your grow lamps seems to be a very good product
Marvin Bergmeier (verified owner) –
Varvara (verified owner) –
top quality! delivered by gls in 7days. thanks alot
Michele (verified owner) –
Fast delivery and the light is amazing.
Joanna Patyk (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Exellent product
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Fantastic led light
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Very happy with my new lamp.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Arrivata in condizioni perfette, devo ancora provarla.
yankes87 (verified owner) –
Im so glad about this lamp 🙂 Perfect contact with support 3 days arrive
herbs4meds (verified owner) –
quick email replies and good product shipping was a bit slow but not really their fault 22 days to arrive from order for the price recommend 100% of the time
Tomas –
Este mes me pienso coger 2 unidades no puede faltar en mi cultivo
Moxament axment (verified owner) –
Love it
Luis –
Hard rock buds growing under this beauty
Raul2021 –
Voy a realizar un breve resumen y opinión sobre este producto, aunque mi situación económica me impida probarlo, creo que es un panel led que dependiendo de la situación y necesidad que tengamos, es uno de los mejores que he visto, ya que a simple vista destaca por su diseño y su gran tamaño (648*536*59MM), que hará cumplir su función al 100%, leyendo la descripción, utiliza uno de los mejores leds del mercado, concretamente 1212pcs Samsung LM301B, con una gran eficacia, acompañado de un sistema de aireación silencioso, en el que gracias a su construcción de un chasis de aluminio bastante bien reforzado, genera muy poco calor hacía nuestro cultivo, consta de un sistema de control, que nos permite ajustar la luz para cada cultivo y etapa de este, y lo que es más importante, para la gran iluminación que nos proporciona solo tiene un consumo de 450w, compitiendo así con los mejores del mercado. Otros datos de interés, es el espectro luminoso que nos proporciona, que se adapta a todas las etapas de nuestro cultivo, con una cobertura en vegetación de 120 x 120 cm y en floración de 150 x 150 cm. En resumen, dado su gran potencia, así como la calidad y uso de todo tipo de espectros de luz, ahorro energético y calidad de construcción y componentes, nos proporcionará una iluminación y cultivo de gran calidad, lo recomendaría para cultivadores que se dediquen a muchas producciones y quieran invertir su dinero en un gran producto de calidad y diseño que además se puede conectar varias unidades entre si, creando así un gran red de iluminación. Espero que les haya gustado mi review, muchas gracias. 😉
I am going to make a brief summary and opinion about this product, although my financial situation prevents me from trying it, I think it is a led panel that depending on the situation and need we have, it is one of the best I have seen, since at first glance it stands out Due to its design and its large size (648 * 536 * 59MM), which will fulfill its function 100%, reading the description, it uses one of the best LEDs on the market, specifically 1212pcs Samsung LM301B, with great efficiency, accompanied by a Silent aeration system, in which thanks to its construction of a fairly well reinforced aluminum chassis, it generates very little heat towards our crop, it consists of a control system, which allows us to adjust the light for each crop and stage of this, and what is more important, for the great lighting that it provides us, it only has a consumption of 450w, thus competing with the best on the market. Other data of interest is the light spectrum that it provides us, which adapts to all stages of our cultivation, with a vegetation coverage of 120 x 120 cm and in flowering of 150 x 150 cm. In summary, given its great power, as well as the quality and use of all kinds of light spectra, energy saving and quality of construction and components, it will provide us with a high quality lighting and cultivation, I would recommend it for growers who are dedicated to many productions and want to invest their money in a great quality and design product that can also be connected to several units, thus creating a great red lighting. I hope you liked my review, thank you very much. 😉
Valentinas –
I do not own one myself just yet. I wish i could afford it, but current financial status puts me in no position to buy. However it would be a dream come true and total honour to have these for my first project. I follow many growers on instagram and saw them using spiderfarmer’s equipment. I saw some insane grows using SF4000 and from similar lineups, in my opinion there is no wrong choice when buying from spiderfarmer, every equipment is manufactured with care and to eventually help any customer to see the magic it does. I would be absolutely schocked if i won review giveaway, you guys don’t stop amazing your customers. All the best from a newbie with a great mission at heart. ✊🌱
JonnyGee12 –
Ich bin von einer 600W NDL Lampe zu der Spider Farmer LED gewechselt und bin echt begeistert! Höhere Erträge, weniger Hitzeentwicklung, dichtere Blüten, schneller Blütezeit und darüber hinaus Stromersparnis. Kann diese Lampe nur jedem ans Herz legen. Durch die Dimmbarkeit kann noch mehr Energie gespart werden. Wer nicht kauft hat selber schuld!
Medgrow93 –
I’ve used at least 3 or 4 different LEDs in the same price range and only felt like I was getting what I was looking for with this one, plants grow super healthy and strong. Would definitely recommend it for those who want to try to take their garden to the next level.
Bruno P (verified owner) –
Excellent light. 10/10.
I hightly recommend this product.
(support service is excellent)
Benni –
Used a 600w NDL before and I can say this light is much better. Plants are lesser stressed, more yield and no heat issues at all. I just love this light with the integrated dimmer you can’t go wrong.
A nice side effect is, your electric bill goes down and your yields go up, so what do you want more?
Filip Vidovic –
i am using the sf4000 for 2 years now, no complications with the ligth, ( i have the old version where you can adjust only with a screwdriver but not a bad thing). i hade with the start an incresement of +30% in the yield and the quality of the product is better. i have to “say” that i did not changed any other settings then the light…. go on
Kamil Jaha –
I greet you from the Czech Republic. I am a grower of technical growers. I bought a Spider Farmer SF 4000. I used 240x120x200 in the tent and I harvested 1400 grams at 900watts The light came very quickly, it is easy to connect and control. I had no problems in the growing cycle thanks to the use of Dimmer and the ability to adjust the light output. price / performance ratio has no spider farmer competition. I recommend and continue to buy!