Led Grow Light

How to Create Good Growing Environment?

Why do we need a good growing environment?

Generally speaking, plants growth includes Four growth stages:

Germination: 3-10 days; Seedlings: 2-3 weeks; Growth: 3-16 weeks; Flowering: 8-11 weeks

Then creating a good growth environment is important to work to win high yields, please check the following benefits of a good environment.

  1. Plants grow faster
  2. Receipt for larger yield, higher bud yield
  3. Healthier, environmentally friendly, cold-resistant plants
  4. Better bud smell and potency
  5. Plants are more resistant to common problems (overwatering, lack of water, pests, mold, etc.)

Optimal Temperature

From Wikipedia, the optimal day temperature range for plants is 24 to 30 °C (75 to 86 °F). Temperatures above 31 °C (88 °F) and below 15.5 °C (60 °F) seem to decrease THC potency and slow growth. At 13 °C (55 °F) the plant undergoes a mild shock, though some strains withstand frost temporarily.

According to the feedback from the experienced growers, it’s 20-25°C(68-77°F). If grow with CO2, the optimal temperature is 30-35°C(85 95°F)

How to control the temperature?

You need a thermo-hygrometer first, so you can monitor them well.

Secondly, a set of ventilation equipment is required to provide good air circulation, which can provide stable temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels, which can help plants grow, prevent diseases such as common plants pests and control the odor of the grow room. Also discharges excess heat to avoid plant damage or burnout.

Optimal Humidity

Ideal levels of humidity for optimal growth are 40–70% RH. For plants, vegetative like high humidity, while flowering like low humidity.

Too Low: Plants absorb water at a very high rate, increasing plant transpiration rates, plants closing stomata, and slowing photosynthesis. Very low temperatures plants will wither or die

Too high: slows the rate of transpiration, resulting in less efficient nutrient uptake (especially calcium). It is prone to insect infestations, electroporation, and fungal infections, especially during the flowering stage, which can lead to plant rot. The smell is long-lasting.

How to control the Humidity?

Requires a dehumidifier to work with a fan

Decreasing the humidity also increases the temperature (a dehumidifier will definitely increase the temperature in the growth room by about 10 degrees), and needs to be used in conjunction with a fan.

Control humidity:

Airflow: Like regulating temperature, regulating airflow allows you to move moisture in and out of your grow space and control humidity – just by opening a space, opening the door of your grow room or tent, you can reduce humidity.

Humidifier: A humidifier can add water vapor to the grow space, increasing the moisture content if it is too dry.

Water: In the absence of a humidifier, you can spray plants with a spray bottle to generate extra moisture. Excessive watering prevents oxygen from entering the root system, resulting in the accumulation of anaerobic bacteria, which consumes beneficial (aerobic) bacteria and nutrient fertilizers in plant roots.

Other DIY Dehumidifiers: Rock Salt, Calcium Chloride, Silica Gel

Ways to reduce humidity without using a dehumidifier in your grow room. (if you are a personal home grower with a budget limit, please check this)

  1. Use an air conditioner
  2. Increase ventilation
  3. Isolate and seal the planting area
  4. Add more fans
  5. Create air holes
  6. Deploy the thermostatically controlled block heater


Plants are “long night” plants or “short day” plants.

A longer light period is conducive to absorbing nutrients for growth, and a long dark period is conducive to flowering. Light leaks during dark times can confuse plants, causing them to produce male flowers or revert to different stages.

Generally speaking, plants need 18h/daylight in the growth stage and 12h/daylight for flowering.

The growth stage is mainly to develop the root system, strengthen the rhizome, and grow more leaves to absorb light and convert it into sugar needed for plant growth.

The reduction from 18h to 12h is the trigger for the flowering cycle, as soon as the plants are given 12h of uninterrupted darkness, the plants respond as if it were autumn and so bloom

Carbon Filter 

Deodorization: Activated carbon adsorbs airborne dust, electroporation spores, and volatile organic compounds. Purifying air

Cotton outside the filter: filters out excess dust particles and prolongs filter life, carbon replacement approximately every 25 weeks

Usually works best when placed at the highest point of the grow space, where the heat is greatest.

For these issues, spider farmer carbon filter and inline fan kits can help you solve this, For more details, please check.

Carbon filter & Inline fan kits

Any more growing tips or suggestions, feel free to leave your thoughts.

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